Thursday, 22 October 2015

10 Things You Must Avoid As a Blogger

As a blogger, you put in hard work to ensure that more and more people read your blog. However, when you see little traffic despite your best efforts, it's natural you will feel dejected and sad. There are several things a blogger can do to avoid disappointment. In this post, I have pointed out 10 blogging mistakes that you must avoid if you want to create a successful blog. 

10 Blogging Mistakes that You Must Avoid

1.    Avoid rewriting content from others’ blog 

Most of the bloggers make the mistake of rewriting content from someone else blog. This practice results in loss of originality and uniqueness of the content. You cannot expect to get high Google page rank if you are in the habit of rewriting content from others' websites. Always make sure to create unique and useful content. It will help you to get higher page rank in Google searches. 

2.    Avoid displaying large numbers of ads or links on a single page: 

A large number of links or ads on a single page are big distractions for the readers. It decreases the readability of your page and readers might lose interest in your content. Moreover, several affiliate links in a single page take away your readers to other sites resulting in loss of traffic and high bounce rate in the long run.

Also, read:

3.    Avoid writing a long post if you are running out of ideas: 

Writing lengthy posts can turn out counter-productive if you write it with the sole motive of archiving higher page rank. Generally, it is believed that lengthy blog post (longer than 1500 words) stands a better chance of getting higher page rank in the Google searches. To some extent, it is very true. 

However, if you want to create a long post make sure you do not compromise on the quality of the content. Always remember, quality content always stands a better chance of getting higher page rank irrespective of the word count of a post. 

Readers find it easy to go through short posts. On the contrary, readers generally avoid reading long posts due to lack of time or lack of interest in a topic. It is always a better idea to divide a long post into two or three parts. There are two main benefits of it. 

First, readers will find it easy to read two short posts rather than one long post. Second, your blog’s page views will increase as readers will have to click on two or three different links.

Moreover, only interesting and informative long articles generate results in the long run. Readers are most likely to revisit your blog if they find your long articles interesting and informative. 

4.    Avoid leaving old posts unattended for a long period of time 

Always make sure to update your blog on regular basis. Most of the bloggers do not update their content and solely focus on new content. Outdated blog posts cannot be of any use to your readers. leaving your older posts unattended for a longer period of time is a big blogging mistake as it gets outdated with time resulting in high bounce rate.

Make sure to update your blog content on a regular basis even if it is a small correction in typos or a grammatical mistake. Updating your content on a regular basis will help you improve your blog’s page ranking and traffic.

5.    Avoid procrastination

This is a problem that we all face in the business of blogging. Most of us keep on postponing things until the last moment. It could be writing a new post, updating the content, optimization or simply adding a new image to the blog. Procrastination is a human nature and we cannot avoid it. Just accept it and create a plan to avoid it. 

I would suggest setting a deadline for each and everything thing that you want to do to improve your blog. For example, if you want to write a new post set a deadline for it. Keep the deadline in mind and keep writing according to your convenience. You are more likely to finish a task if you set a deadline for it.

6.    Avoid changing web design frequently 

Changes in blog design can impact your blog statics negatively as well as positively. A user-friendly blog design can significantly improve the traffic in your blog. On the contrary, a poor blog design can impact your blog traffic negatively. The bloggers who frequently change their blog layout or templates unknowingly do more harm to their blog than good.

Changes in design impact your blog statics and result in loss of traffic as well as page ranking. Therefore, make sure to closely examine the pros and cons of a web design on your blog statics. Always choose a user-friendly interface that can help readers to navigate your blog easily. 

7.    Avoid writing long paragraphs with no subheadings 

Always remember most of the readers scan articles rather than actually reading it. Writing short sentences with several subheadings or bullets points will significantly improve the readability of your article. Make sure to avoid typos and grammatical mistakes. Readers are most likely to revisit your blog if they find your content easy to read. 

Keep room for a lot of white spaces in your post, highlight the key information in the article and avoid using technical words. Bold headings and subheadings make it easier for the readers to understand the content of an article. So even if they scan your article they will be able to gain something.

8.    Avoid forcing readers to read your post

Some of the bloggers post their articles so frequently that it gets difficult for the readers to determine which one they should read. It is considered as a big blogging mistake.

Make sure to give sufficient gaps while sharing your article with your audience. Frequent posting can adversely impact your blog traffic. Sharing is good as long as you do it in moderation. 

9.    Avoid using several platforms at a time to market your blog 

Beginner bloggers usually believe that they would get more traffic if they post their content on several platforms. However, in reality, you are more likely to attract readers if you have better networks. So focus on networking rather than increasing the number of marketing platforms. Once you have created a strong network you will find it easier to market your blog.

10.    Avoid early monetization 

Wait for at least three months before you think of monetizing your blog. Some of the beginner bloggers begin to display ads on their blog in the very first month of their blogging. Always remember, PPC, affiliate marketing or any other monetizing plan cannot generate income for you unless you have decent traffic on your blog. Ideally, you should monetize you blog once you begin to receive decent traffic. 

Some of you may ask what decent traffic is. Well, the meaning of decent traffic varies according to the niche of a blog. Some of the topics are very popular such as health and beauty, sex and relationships etc. You will begin to see an increase in blog traffic instantly if you write on these niches.  However, if you write on not so popular niches such as surgical equipment or nuclear science etc., you may not get as many visitors as other blogs get. 

For example, if you write on a popular niche and on an average 100 visitors read your blog daily, you may NOT call it a decent traffic. Whereas, if a not-so-popular niche based blog gets 100 page views per day you may call it a decent traffic. 

Therefore, use your discretion to determine whether your blog is receiving decent traffic or not.    

Is there any other blogging mistake that you would like to share with us? If you liked this article, please post your comments and share it with others. 

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