Tuesday, 24 November 2015

How Responding To Blog Comments Improve Blog Performance

When it comes to responding to the comments of the readers, bloggers often give it less priority over other things. When your blog post receives a large number of comments, you find it even more difficult to respond to the comments. After responding to the initial comments, you often make the mistakes of leaving rest of the comments unattended.

Bloggers often find it difficult to respond to the comments of their readers due to their busy schedule. They do not consider responding to blog comments a core function of blogging.

Some bloggers believe that responding to comments gives a low return on investment. However, in reality responding to blog comments is one of the most effective strategies to improve the performance of a blog.

Not replying to the comments of your readers can cost you dearly. There are many disadvantages of not responding to the comments of the audience. For example, it can negatively impact your blog traffic, revenue and even ranking of your blog.

Moreover, it impacts the opinion of your audience about your blog. Some of your readers might not comment on your blog again if you fail to respond to them.

Why is it important to respond to the comments of your blog readers? There are several advantages of responding to the comments of your blog readers. Let’s check out the benefits of responding to the blog comments.

Top 10 benefits of repling to blog comments

1. Responding to blog comments results in more comments:

    The more you respond to the comments of your blog readers, the more comments you receive in your post. Higher the number of quality comments/response, more readers will come back to read the comments. Quality comments give fuel to the discussion which in turn helps you get more comments.

2. It improves the amount of time a reader spend on your blog: 

    The amount of time your audience spends on your blog post is directly propositional to the number of comments on your post. In other words, if you have large numbers of quality comments in your post, your readers will spend more time in reading your post.

3. It improves the ranking of your page in Google searches: 

    It has been found that the posts that receive a large number of comments rank higher in Google searches. There are two reasons behind it. First, a large number of comments indicate the popularity of the post which in turn helps Google rank post higher in the search results. 

    Second, when you respond to the comments of your readers it leads to the creation of more content resulting in an increase in the content of the blog. Google search engines rank those posts higher in the search results that have more content. Why? Because more content means more keywords which in turn helps search engines to rank the post higher in the search results.

4. It leads to enhanced audience engagement 

    When you respond to the comments of the bloggers, it enables you to understand the problems or opinion of your audience. Your audience is most likely to show a high level of engagement if you reply to their comments. 

5. It leads to improved blog traffic: 

     When you respond to the comments of the readers it improves the blog traffic in five ways:
  •  When you respond to the comments of your reader they visit your blog post once again to read your response which in turn increases page views.
  •  Responding to the comments of the readers  helps you connect with your audience which in turn results in more sharing on social media platforms.
  •  A large number of comments in the post create curiosity among the readers to read the post which in turn further increases page views.
  • Sometimes the blog comments become more interesting and informative than the actual post itself which further improves page views
  •  A large number of comments improve the ranking of the page resulting in more generic traffic.

6. Responding to blog comments helps you improve your blog content 

    There is a big difference between reading the comments of your blog readers and responding to their comments. When you actually respond to the comments of your blog readers it leads to discussion which in turn helps you improve the blog content. Once you have a better understanding of the problems of your audience it helps you create content complying with the needs of your targeted audience.

7. Responding to blog comments leads to increase in revenue 

    Always remember, the readers who are serious about their business are more likely to comment on your blog. They might be looking for the answer of some of the questions related to the topic or simply want to thank you for valuable information. When you respond to their questions or simply appreciate their comments they are most likely to purchase your products or services in the near future.

In other words, the numbers of readers who comment on your blog are most likely to be your potential customers. By responding to their comments, you establish a relationship that could generate results in the long terms in the form of improved sales.

8. It helps your gain loyalty of the audience: 

    When you respond to the comments of your readers you build a long-term relationship with them. Readers are more likely to read your blog time and again if you respond to their comments.

9. Sometimes it leads to a healthy discussion: 

    The comment section of your blog is a place that not only provides the readers to raise questions but also the blog author to clarify his stand on the topic. Sometimes a topic leads to healthy discussion which in turn helps all the party to gain in-depth knowledge of the phenomenon. In other words, it helps in knowledge creation.

10. It helps you build your brand 

    Responding to the comments of the readers helps you build your brand image. It provides you the opportunity to identify your targeted audience and build a relationship with them through enhanced interaction. 

    Responding to the readers' comments is the core function of the blogging business. It serves the function of public relation which in turn helps you build your brand image.

There is no doubt responding to the comments of the readers positively impacts the performance of your blog. It creates a chain reaction which in turn facilitates blog traffic, blog ranking, knowledge creation, and customer satisfaction. You can significantly improve the performance of your blog by simply responding to the comments of your blog readers.

Have you ever realized any of the above mentioned beneifits of replying to blog comment? If yes, please do share with us. Do you find this post helpful? Please feel free to post your comments and share it with others. Look forward to hearing from you. 

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