Wednesday, 30 September 2015

How to overcome the problems you experience as a new freelancer

Sometimes working on online freelancing sites is not only challenging but also frustrating. As a new freelancer you must know how to get success on online freelance platforms, if you want to pursue freelancing as a full-time job. At the same time, it is important that you should know how to overcome freelancing problems.

Freelance advice for the new freelancers to overcome freelance problems

Keep you motivation high

Self-motivation is the key to success on online freelancing platforms. When you work on a project always think about your long term goals and do not get discouraged by the barriers in your work. Keep working hard and win over clients by your excellent work quality. 

Positive feedback from the clients is a great source of motivation on online freelancing platforms. At the same time don’t get frustrated if a client gives you negative feedbacks.

As a new freelancer you must learn new skills to maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Share and discuss your problems with experienced freelancers on freelancing forums. You will come across several other freelancers on forums that might experiencing similar problems. Give vent to your frustration on discussion rooms.

Patience is the key to finding right clients on online freelance sites

Finding clients on freelancing sites may be difficult but it is not impossible. Keep bidding for the jobs that you believe you can do efficiently. Always remember do not bid for jobs that you think you cannot perform well. 

Create an impressive profile and make sure to showcase your past achievements and work in your portfolio. If possible, create a personalized proposal for every job you apply for. Highlight your skills, past experience and competencies in your proposal to win over potential clients.

The feedbacks that a freelancer receives from clients play an important role in winning over potential clients on freelancing platforms. Building reputation on online freelancing platforms helps in winning more job contracts.

There are several clients who would love to hire you if you have some patience. For more details, you can read my article how to win over clients on online freelancing platforms.

Focus on quality work

Bidding low for jobs cannot always help you win contracts. Even if you win several low-value contracts you cannot maintain your living standard. Therefore, it is important to quote reasonable and realistic rates for every job contract. 

It is worth noting that good clients do not award job contracts solely on the basis of the bid amount. They also take into consideration your skills, competencies, and experience while awarding a job contract.

Remember your work quality speaks volumes about your skills, experience and competencies. Money hardly matters when it comes to quality work, you will come across several clients who would not mind paying you high rates if they like your work. Therefore, focus on work quality rather than low bidding.

As a new freelancer you must do financial planning

If you work as a freelancer it is important that you should invest to meet your future needs and medical exigencies. Financial planning is extremely important for a freelancer as it provides financial security and enhances confidence.

I would advice new freelancers to  save some money from your monthly income to build a secure future. You can invest in pension schemes, medical and life insurance or bonds and security. If you have knowledge of share market you can also buy shares of companies as it gives a good return on investment.

A strong financial planning will help you to focus on your work and you will experience high motivation and confidence.

Avoid clients with bad payment history

Clients always read feedbacks of the freelancers before awarding a job. Similarly, it is important that you should also read the feedbacks that the client has received from other freelancers. Do not work for clients with bad payment history and poor feedbacks. By adopting this strategy, you will be able to avoid annoying clients with unrealistic expectations.

Payment history of a client shows how prompt a client is in releasing funds to the providers, and feedbacks show how satisfied the client is with his/her providers. Reading past history of the clients can help you save your time and efforts. If you work with good clients the questions of unrealistic expectations and annoyance will never arise.

Create a contingency plan

Don’t expect that clients will always pay you on time. Keep some money to deal with delayed payment. Clients might ask you to make some corrections in the project and might not release the funds until they are satisfied with end results. So it is important that you should keep some cash in hand to meet your monthly expenses. If you want to pursue freelancing as a career you can take up part time job to support you ambition of becoming a successful freelancer. Working part time will help you create cash reserves. 
The majority of clients on online freelancing platforms pays on time. However, some might not be able to pay you on time due to one or other reasons. Having some cash in hand will help you overcome the problem of delayed payment.

What freelance advice would you give to the new freelancers to get work on online freelance sites? please feel free to share your advice or experience with us.

Six Freelance Problems You Might Experience As a Freelancer

With the advent of the internet, freelancing has gained unprecedented importance. Workers are increasingly joining online freelancing sites to make money. If you are extremely good at your work, freelance work is sure shot way of earning money online. 

However, it is extremely important that you should know in advance some of the freelance problems that you might have to face as a freelancer.

Six freelance problems that you cannot avoid

Freelancers often experience Low motivation 

Although, freelancing provides you work flexibility and freedom, it does not provide you any moral support. Freelancers often experience low motivation which in turn impacts their productivity adversely. You cannot become a successful freelancer unless you are a self-motivated person.

Freelancers often find themselves at the mercy of their clients. Delayed payment, high expectations and unrealistic demand of the clients make it further difficult for the freelancers to keep their motivation high.

New freelancers often find it hard to find right client 

Finding a client on online freelancing sites is one of the most difficult tasks. If you have recently started your freelancing career you will find it even more difficult to get your first contract. If you are increasingly finding it hard to get clients on online freelance platforms, you might like to read how to get work on online freelance platforms.

Clients on online freelancing sites are hard to find as the supply side of this business far exceeds demand in the market. Every day hundreds of freelancers join freelancing sites. And unfortunately, some clients find it an opportunity to exploit freelancers due to the availability of several freelancers. Moreover, the presence of several fraudulent clients makes it further difficult for the freelancers to come across ideal client.

Freelancers face stiff competition 

Some freelancers often bid low to win over clients. Low bidding makes it difficult for the other freelancers to charge reasonable rates. In the majority of instances, you will find that freelancers from developing regions bid low because they find low bidding easy way to compete with native speakers of English. 

Moreover, availability of talented workforce and disparity in currency exchange rates makes it easier for freelancers from developing regions to bid low. However, to maintain a competitive edge in the market several freelancers from developed regions of the world also adopt a low-cost strategy.

Since the supply side of this business far exceeds demand in the market that further makes competition tough. Bidding low on projects has become a norm in freelancing platforms. Low bidding is one of the major causes of frustration as it forces other freelancers to quote low rates in their proposal. It leads to exploitation, and freelancers find it difficult to meet their monthly expenses.

 Freelancers experience job insecurity

Unlike traditional jobs, freelancing does not provide job security to the freelancers. Although, freelancing provides you the freedom and job flexibility, it keeps you on your toes owing to job insecurity. Some freelancers find it difficult to get consistent job contracts. Sometimes they are flooded with job contracts and sometimes they remain idle for long period of time. Inconsistency in job contracts further enhances job insecurity.

At the same time, it is worth noting that job contracts on freelancing sites do not provide you any social security in terms of health insurance, medical benefits, pensions or gratuity. A contract may last for a few years or it may end within a couple of weeks. In such an environment, freelancers are left with only one option and that is to consistently bid for new job contracts. Bidding for several new jobs is not only time consuming but also frustrating.

Freelancers experience unrealistic expectations of clients 

some clients expect freelancers to provide unrealistically high-quality work at lowest possible rates. Availability of low-cost providers coupled with a large number of low paying clients further makes it difficult for freelancers to get lucrative contracts that match their experience, skills, and competencies. You might find a few clients not only demanding but also annoying with least respect for freelancers.

Freelancers have to deal with delayed payment

Some clients take longer than usual time to pay to the freelancers. Delayed payment leads to frustration and disrupts the quality of work. Job disputes and unrealistic demands of the client further delay the payment. Long term contracts with no defined payment terms can be counter-productive for the freelancers. Freelancers find it extremely difficult to work with clients who demand fast turnover but do not pay on time.

Have you ever faced these freelancing problems? Please feel free to share with us. Share your story if you have experienced any of the above-mentioned problems. 

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Monday, 28 September 2015

5 Easy Ways to Increase the Visibility of a Blog

If blogging is your hobby and you want to turn it into a source of passive income, you will have to increase your blog's visibility. Beginner bloggers often find it difficult to increase the visibility of their blog as they have never taken blogging as a profession. 

To enhance the visibility of your blog content, you not only require original and useful content but also the ability to promote your blog successfully.

To become a successful blogger, it is important that you should know how to promote your blog. You are mistaken if you think that clicking publish button on your dashboard will automatically increase page views of your blog.  To increase blog visibility you must share your blog content on leading platforms to drive traffic to your blog.

In this article, I have mentioned some easy to use marketing techniques to increase the visibility of your blog. You can significantly enhance the visibility of your blog by employing these tried and tested blog promotion tips.

Tips to increase blog visibility on social media platforms

Promote your blog on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most effective tools of reaching out to your targeted audience. How you use this social media platform to your advantage depends on your ability to create a circle of like-minded people. You cannot force your friends or relatives to like your post every time you post a new article. 

Therefore, it is important that you should create a group or page of like-minded people where you can discuss and share your blog content. You can promote your blog content on this platform in three easy to use techniques.

How to promote your blog on facebook

  • Post your blog content on Facebook

Posting your articles on Facebook makes it easier for your friends to read and appreciate your work. You can share your article to public as well as to selected friends.

You can also post your article on your friends’ timeline so that the people who are in your fiend’s circle can also read your article. This strategy will enable you to reach out to the larger audience. Regularly posting your content on Facebook will enable you to get to know more about the people who find your articles interesting and informative.

  • Use Tags to reach out to targeted audience

You can tag your friends in the post so that they do not miss what you have shared. However, make sure you do not tag people frequently as it can be inconvenient and uneasy for them to read you post often. Tag people who understand the importance of your content. It will not only increase the possibility of your content being re-shared but also help you attract the audience that is genuinely interested in the topic you write about.  

  • Create your blog’s Facebook group or page

Creating Facebook page helps in building a group of like-minded people who are interested in your blog subject. At the same time, it provides group members an opportunity to share their opinion and ideas with each other. It will not only help you to learn from other bloggers but also increase the visibility of your blog. You can share your post on your page publicly that in turn helps in promoting your blog as well as your Facebook page/group.

Promote your blog on Google Plus

I personally find Google+ more effective than any other platform as it generates instant results. If you use a Blogger blog and have a Google plus account you can instantly share your post to your friends as well as to the public at large. 

The results are phenomenal as this platform significantly improves the visibility of your blog. If you use any other blogging platform you can add Google plus badge to share you content instantly.

Google provides you the opportunity to join various communities on Google plus that is an additional benefit of this platform. Google communities help like-minded people to connect and share their blog content. 

There are several communities on Google plus. Some communities allow users to promote their blog on their platform whereas; others encourage you to participate in the community discussions. You can join as many communities as you like and share your blog content on those platforms. I would personally recommend you to use this platform and see the results.

Unlike other social media platforms, Google plus is a platform where people gradually get to know each other. Here users share information more about business than their personal lives. Google plus is a platform that allows you to interact with other like-minded people and helps you build your circle. You can invite your friends, relatives, and co-workers to join you. You can create new circles as well as communities. 

Read more: How to increase blog traffic with Google Plus

Promote your blog on Twitter

Success on this platform depends on two factors. First, the number of followers you have on Twitter. Second, how you tweet your blog content. Twitting is an art and you should know how to attract the attention of the viewers in minimum possible words. 

An impressive tweet can significantly help you gain the attention of your targeted audience. Twitter also allows you to add a picture with your twit. You can add a picture to attract the attention of the viewers.

You should aim at increasing your followers in this platform to increase the visibility of your blog. Make sure you tweet your content regularly so that you can increase your visibility which in turn will help you to increase your followers.

Promote blog on Instagram

 It is a perfect platform for those bloggers whose blog is related to small businesses such as tech startups, magazines, cooking, photography, traveling, and products. However, other bloggers can also take advantage of this platform by using it effectively. You can use quotes from your blog to promote your content on this platform.

It is a perfect platform for reaching your targeted audience. The platform provides you the opportunity to build new relationships and widens your reach. You can use this platform to reach out to the global audience.

If you use pictures in your blog you can also post those pictures to attract the attention of your ideal audience. Always remember a picture speaks louder than words. Always use a picture that says something about the topic of your article. Create and use original pictures. 

If you find it difficult to create an original picture you can use platforms like Flickr where thousands of creative common pictures are available for commercial as well as non-commercial use. Make sure to use pictures carefully and read the creative common license before using them in you blog.

Join Pinterest to increase blog visibility

This platform is similar to Instagram that allows users to pin their post. You can post pictures, photos or interesting quotes from your blog to promote your blog on Pinterest. Make sure you use original high-resolution large images to attract the attention of readers. 

Pinterest allows users to create boards that in turn helps users to promote their blog. The best way to increase your blog visibility on this platform is to increase your followers. However, make sure in the return of their favour you should also follow them.

Create a board that showcases your blog writer/writers. Provide a brief profile of the writers so that readers can connect with them. Add a pin button on your blog so that your friends can share your blog with people known to them. It will increase your audience base and help in increasing visibility of your blog. 

Optimize your pin so that it can be easily index by the search engines within the Pinterest as well as by Google. To do this make sure your account setting allows public search engines to find your Pins.

If you find this article informative please feel free to share with others and share your opinion with us in the comment box.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Is Your Blog Content Copyrighted?

Is the content that you publish on your blog copyrighted? If yes, what kind of content comes under the purview of copyright protection? In this article, I will focus on the copyright of bloggers, what they can do to protect their blog content and how they can avoid using copyright protected content.

As a blogger you put in hard work, time and money to create original and useful content. If someone steals your valuable content what options you have to protect your blog content or what steps you can take to prevent such activities.

If you use a blog to showcase your content, you would be glad to know that all the content including music, articles, images, videos, software are copyright protected. Therefore, it is imperative on the part of users to use these materials carefully. You must get necessary permission from the authorized owner of the content to use the content in any form.  

According to DMCA (Digital Media Copyright Act), unauthorized use of content from someone else’s website is illegal. If you are a victim of copyright infringement you can send a notice to DMCA. For more details please contact Google support

Steps to protect blog content online you can take following steps

1.You can display copyright notice on your website.

2.Use a creative common license that enables users to understand how they can use your blog content.

3.You can use Copyscape or Google alert to check and prevent unauthorized use of your blog content.

4.Use watermark in your images to prevent unauthorized use of your copyrighted images.

5.You can configure your RSS feed to prevent unauthorized use of your blog content by the scrappers. WordPress users can get more details here on WordPress support.

If you use Bogger blog, keep in mind that Blogger is authorized to remove your content if you infringe copyrights of someone else. However, if you strongly believe that you are the owner of the content Blogger also provides you the opportunity to file a counter-notice. To file a counter-notice please contact Google support. 

How to ensure that you are not infringing copyright of others

1.      Always use original content that you have created yourself. In the event of using someone else’s work of authorship please make sure to get formal permission from the authorized owner.

2.      Use only creative common images and make sure to read carefully how the images can be used. For example, if the owner does not allow modifications or commercial use of the images make sure you strictly follow the guidelines.

3.      Use Copyscape to check originality or uniqueness of your literary work. Copyscape software enables bloggers to check the originality of the content that the blogger has created.

Read: how to create unique and useful blog content

Keeping all these points in mind can significantly help you to protect your blog content. At the same time, it will save you from violating someone else’s copyrighted work of authority.

However, bloggers must remember legal framework alone cannot protect your blog content, you must regularly check to ensure that someone else is not using your blog content. In the event of copyright violation bring the matter immediately to the notice of DMCA.

If someone has violated your blog copyrights in the past, please feel free to share your story with us. It will help users to protect blog content to take appropriate action in the event of copyright violation. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Top 6 Advantages of Having a Blog

Why you should have a blog when you already have several other mediums of communication to keep in touch with your near and dear ones. There are many benefits of a blog. The article lists top 6 advantages of having a blog.

In today’s highly competitive and busy life, we hardly find time to interact with people face to face. Even in an office, we spend more time in front of a computer or mobile screen. People talk more over the phone than face to face. We spend more time on Facebook to either update our status or to get in touch with our friends and relatives. We chat more on whatsApp than at home. 

In such an environment, a blog provides you the opportunity to communicate your thoughts to the so-called digital audience. The blog provides flexibility to your targeted audience to read your blog anytime from the convenience of their home or office.

In order to keep pace with the rapid changes in technology, it is important that one should get oneself familiar with the concept of blogging. Blogging is one of the most effective methods of keeping in touch with the digital audience. Although there are several benefits of owning a blog, I have listed top 6 advantages of having a blog in this article.

Top 6 Benefits of a Blog

It is a great medium for self-expression

A blog enables you to showcase your creative talent. Unlike other digital means of communication, a blog provides you the opportunity to create, share and store content that you find interesting and informative. It not only enables you publish your content but also provides you copy write protection.

The blog provides you Copyright protection

The content that you publish in your blog comes under the purview of Copyright Act provided that it should be an original piece of work. The section 102 of the US Copyright Act protects all the works of authorship that you communicate directly with the aid of a machine or device. For more details, you can read my article Is your blog content copyrighted.

It provides you an opportunity to earn money

The blog has emerged as one of the most powerful tools of earning money online. It not only provides you the opportunity to share your thoughts, ideas, tips and opinion but also rewards you for your efforts. People are increasingly monetizing their blog to earn money from various sources. A blog is a platform that enables you to earn money via various mediums such as affiliate marketing, selling your own products, and advertising.

Blog improves your creativity

Blogging not only hones your writing skills but also significantly improves your creativity. Creating content for your blog at regular interval keeps your brain healthy and active. Several research studies show that writing improves memory and keeps you sane.

Blogging helps you create better content

A blog enables the audience to comment on your content that in turn helps you understand the quality of your content. Positive comments are a great source of motivation, on the other hand, negative comments help you improve your skills and create better content complying with the needs and preferences of the targeted audience.

Blog is one of the cheapest and most convenient digital platforms

In comparison to other online and offline publishing platforms blog is not only cheap but also more effective. You can have a free blog on various online blogging platforms such as Blogger, WordPress, Penzu, Squarespace, and Tumblr.

Advances in technology have made it very convenient for bloggers to use a blog. Contemporary blogs come with enhanced user-friendly interface and have several features that significantly enhance blogging experience.

If you have experienced any of the above-mentioned benefits or simply agree or disagree with the mentioned advantages, please feel free to shoot me your comments. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

How to Win Over Clients on Online Freelancing Sites

To get success on online freelancing sites, it is important that you should know how to win over clients. Working with clients on online platforms is a roller coaster ride. It not only requires skills and knowledge to complete the job successfully but also the ability to deal with annoying and irritating clients.

As an online freelancer, you come across a variety of clients with different attitudes and expectations. The majority of clients love to hire freelancers who are experts in their field of work. If you are an expert in your field of work you will hardly find it difficult to win the confidence of a good client.

However, sometimes even the expert freelancers find it difficult to deal with moody, annoying and irritating clients.

Read: six freelancing problems that you might experience as a new freelancer

Here are some online freelancing tips that can help you win the confidence of clients on online freelancing platforms.

Online freelancing tips to win more clients on freelancing sites

Create an impressive job profile

An attractive profile and impressive portfolio play an important role in the attracting the clients on online freelancing sites. Make sure you fill all the necessary information in your profile including your picture, educational qualification, job experience, and introduction. 

Your portfolio must contain samples of your latest work, links to websites where you have contributed and most importantly your skills. A good profile helps attract good clients and keeps fraudulent clients at bay.

Learn more: How to get work on online freelancing sites

Treat the job as your own

Some freelancers make the mistake of assuming that a little carelessness one their part won’t affect the quality of work. They get overconfident and fail to exceed the expectations of the client. Most of the clients with good feedback and payment history either ask for correction in the work or ignore loopholes in the work. Sometimes they make the necessary correction themselves. However, such attitude significantly reduces chances of getting hired in the future. 

Always remember good clients are not short of good providers. They have plenty of freelancers to work for them and providers also prefer to work with clients having an impressive payment history. Therefore, always make sure you provide the best quality work to clients even if it is of small value in terms of money. 

Keep in touch with the client

Once you have got a contract make sure you give prompt reply to client’s message. It not only helps in satisfying the queries of the client but also winning the confidence of the client. Above all, it helps in carrying out the jobs successfully as the client might provide you more insight into the nature of the job and how it can be completed successfully.

Update the clients about the work on a regular basis

Updating client about the work progress makes a good impression on the client. It shows that you are serious about your job and working at your level best to complete the project within the deadlines.

Communicate in friendly yet professional tone

No matter how candidly your client talks to you always make sure you treat him like a client. It will not only help you maintain a professional relationship with the client but also win the respect of the client. Overly-friendly relation with a client is a loss for a client as well as the provider. The client might ask for free work or late payment, and provider might get tempted to ask for an early release of payment. In both the situations, the relationship gradually comes to an end.

Maintain professional attitude

Always treat freelancing as a profession, not as a hobby. Never consider freelance work a source of easy money making. Freelancing provides you the freedom to choose your client, platform and work, but at the same time, it demands more work discipline and responsibility. 

You might come across many fake and fraudulent clients on freelancing platforms. Try to avoid such clients politely as they not only waste your time but can also damage your reputation on an online platform.

If you find a client irritating or annoying make sure you end the contract on a friendly note. Never use foul language as it can damage your reputation. Bring the matter to the knowledge of website’s support team if the client misbehaves.  

Exceed the work expectations of the client

Providing mediocre work to your client cannot help you establish a long-term relationship with the client. Your impressive profile, excellent communication skills, and job success can help in landing a contract, but always remember they cannot guarantee repeat jobs. 

Therefore, it is important to put your best foot forward to complete the job. Exceeding the expectations of the client helps win the confidence of the client which in turn helps get more work. 

Do you find these online freelancing tips useful to get work on freelancing sites? Please feel free to share your freelancing tips to win more clients. If you liked this article, please share it with others.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

How to Create Unique and Useful Blog Content

Quality content plays a very important role in enhancing the value of a blog or website. Google has always emphasized the importance of quality content, easy navigation, and good user experience to achieve higher page ranking

If you are a blogger, I am sure you very well understand the importance of quality content. And, how it can help you achieve better page rank and more traffic. 

In fact, unique and original content not only helps a website achieve better page indexing but also helps in retaining Google page rank. 

You can employ several SEO techniques and tools to bring more traffic to your blog but always remember it is the quality of content that brings back your audience to your blog.

What is original and unique content?

If you are a blogger then you would have noticed how difficult it is to consistently write unique and original content for your blog. Writing unique and original content is a challenge in itself. It not only requires in-depth knowledge of the subject but also the ability to pass on additional information that you have acquired on the basis of your personal experience. 

What is unique in the world of content writing? Content is considered unique when it is being the only one of its kind.

What makes your content unique?

The most important question is how bloggers can make their content unique. To make content unique, it is important that you should research the topic properly and  form a personal opinion about the topic. 

For example, if your blog is about dog training than you would have learned about different breeds of dog and how to train them. In the process, you would have learned new tricks and methods to train dogs. These new experiences or methods come under the purview of unique content. 

In order to make your content unique, you will have to identify what additional information you can pass on to your readers on the basis of your personal experience and knowledge. 

Rewriting content from others website that can pass copy scape is neither unique nor original. Your personal experience and acquired knowledge make your content unique.

It is important to note that writing original and unique content is not a rocket science. Anyone can write unique and original content provided that he or she has researched the topic thoroughly and has some authority over the subject.

However, at the same time, it is important to note that unique does not necessarily mean useful. Therefore, always make sure to make your content useful as well.

Now, what content is considered by the Google original? Anything that is personally created by the blogger or writer is original. For example, If you have a traveling blog than whatever you write on the basis of your personal experience is original and unique. 

Your opinion may differ from other bloggers on the same subject which is quite natural as it is your own experience and can differ significantly from other travelers who have visited the same place.

So whatever you write in your blog should be based on your own experience, authentic information, and acquired knowledge. Such content will significantly improve the originality and uniqueness of your content as it is being the only one of its kind. 

So don’t be afraid if your opinion about a subject differs from other writers who have written on the same topic. 

However, at the same time, it is important to make sure that you pass on relevant and reliable information to the readers. Support your perspective with existing literature on the same subject to enhance the authenticity of your content.

The audience knows what is useful and what is not. Let the audience decide what content they find interesting and informative.

When you publish a new post always ask yourself do you really have something important to share with your audience. Do not write just for the sake of creating more content for your website. Always remember, a little content in your blog is better than plenty of bad content. Bad content can adversely impact your website’s reputation, traffic, and ranking.

If you have new ideas in your mind you will automatically be able to create better content including headlines, subheading, and body of the blog. 

On the contrary, if you are writing to fill your blog with more content your article will lack originality, uniqueness, and prowess to keep your audience engaged. 

Here are the seven tips that can help you to create unique content. 

7 Easy Steps to Create Unique and useful Content

1.      Identify a topic that you think users might be interested to know about: providing information that is already easily available over the net is not unique. Create something new that you think users might be interested to know about. If you want to write on an existing trending topic make sure your content adds value to the existing content.
2.      Create a title that is unique and easy to remember: an attractive and easy to remember title help in two ways. First, the uniqueness of the title helps in gaining a higher position in Google indexing. Secondly, it helps in attracting targeted audience. 

Use easy words and phrases that people normally use to search information over the internet. If you have in-depth knowledge of a subject, your mind will be filled with new ideas and unique titles for your next post. 

create unique blog content

3.      Research the topic thoroughly: it is imperative on the part of the blogger to research the topic using online as well as offline resources. An in-depth knowledge of the subject will help you to form an opinion about the topic. 

Otherwise, you will be left with no option other than rewriting the existing content in your own words. And as I said earlier, rewriting content from other website results in loss of uniqueness of the content. Therefore, always make sure to write on only those topics that you feel comfortable to write about.

4.      Create content keeping users in mind rather than page ranking: always share something that the users find valuable and useful. Do not stuff your content with excessive keywords or promotional Ads.

5.      Make sure your content satisfies the need of your audience: it is obvious that people read an article to get a satisfactory answer to the questions that they have about the subject. If your content fails to answer the queries of the readers, it cannot be considered as useful. Your content must be able to make your audience feel satisfied. They should feel they have learned something new after reading your article.

6.      Avoid grammatical mistakes, typos, and excessive links: several typos and grammatical mistakes can be a big distraction for the readers, therefore, always avoid grammatical mistakes and typos. Moreover, excessive links on a single page also distract users. Therefore, make sure you keep a reasonable number of links on a single page.

7.      Update your content on a regular basis: updating content on a regular basis helps in two ways. First, it helps  you  gain a higher position in Google indexing. Second,  it keeps your content up-to-date. If your content is informative and interesting your targeted audience would not mind reading it time and again. 

If you like this article, please feel free to share it with others. How do you create unique and useful blog content for your audience, please share your opinion with us in the comment box.

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Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tips for Beginners to How to Write an Article

Beginner writers often wonder how to write an article. As a beginner writer, some of you might for looking for ways to write better articles for your blog and others might be planning to become a successful freelance writer

If you are increasingly finding it difficult to write better articles, here are some article writing tips that I am sure will help you write better articles.

Writing an article is something that comes only with practice and hard work. It not only requires in-depth knowledge of the subject but also the ability to put across your ideas effectively and effortlessly. It is all about presentation of ideas and opinion in an interesting, informative and engaging way. 

If you want to improve your article writing skills, it is extremely important that you should read a wide variety of articles, books, journals on your niche and collect as much information as you can. You may fail many times, but you must not quit. Here are some article writing tips that can help you write an interesting, informative and engaging article.

Article writing tips for beginners

Select a category and stick to it

Write on the same subject time and again. It will help you gain an in-depth understanding of the topic and you will easily be able to distinguish between good and bad articles. 

Knowledge about a niche will help you to write effortlessly without worrying about the grammatical mistakes and usage of words as it will come readily to you. You must have an idea what you want to say to your audience and what the audience will learn from your article.

Use short sentences in your article

Rather than writing long sentences with heavy wording, it is always a better idea to write short and concise sentences. It helps in presenting your ideas one by one, improves the readability of an article, and the audience understands it easily. Read 3 ingredients of an article that audience loves to learn more about article readability and structure. 

Make sure to use common words and phrases. Common words and phrases are easy to comprehend and make a long lasting impression on the readers. Use a style that can be easily understood by the common masses. Avoid complex sentences, slang and uncommon phrasal words as it increases the risk of misinterpretation of message you intend to put across to the audience. 

Write your article in a flow 

Do not switch from one topic to another; rather cover one idea at a time. Once you have said enough about a thing move to another idea, and connect them effectively. Don’t switch from one idea to another randomly. 

The idea is to let people digest one idea and think about the next. Develop curiosity among the people but at the same time satisfy it reasonably.

Provide unique and useful information in your article to improve engagement

Information is the lifeline of an article. It not only improves the audience engagement but also makes them come back to read more articles. A unique article helps you stand out from the crowd. So make sure to write unique and useful article keeping in mind your targeted audience. 

Review your article 

Read your article several times and ask yourself are you satisfied with the end result, if not make necessary changes. Even after that if you are not satisfied, rewrite the article from scratch. Don’t worry how much time and effort you have put in to write that article. Always remember, “a bad article is the first step towards a good one.”

Ask for the opinion of your friends and family members 

Once you are satisfied with your article, never hesitate to ask for the opinion of others. Take into consideration good ideas and use them in your articles if you think they are good enough to be used in the article. 

Once you have published your article make sure to ask your readers to shoot you with their comments as it will provide you the opportunity to further improve the quality of your article. 

Read and read

Reading books, journals, newspapers and various other literature associated with the subject of your interest helps in gaining an in-depth understanding of the topic. But at the same time make sure you pass on relevant and reliable information to your readers as it will enhance the reliability of your article. 

Do article writing practice regularly

Make sure to write at least a couple of articles every week. The more you write, the more skilled you become at writing.  If you are a beginner you can write randomly on a variety of subjects that interests you most. You will gradually learn how to connect ideas and your writing will become more presentable, interesting and engaging.

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