Tuesday, 6 October 2015

11 Things Bloggers Often Ask Themselves

Blogging is a crazy business. As a blogger, you face several blogging problems and need the answer to hundreds of blogging questions. 

As a beginner blogger, you know you stand nowhere in comparison to leading bloggers, but you still believe you will make it one day. Reading others success stories, fill you with positive energy while your own blog’s poor statistics makes you sad. 

You write every post with the hope that this is going to perform better than your previous one, but you fail again. Despite sluggish progress, you keep writing and publishing new posts. This is the beauty of blogging business.

If you think you are the only one who has been facing these blogging problems, forget it! There are hundreds and thousands of bloggers who experience same things as you do. Let’s check out some of the questions bloggers often ask themselves.

Blogging questions bloggers often ask themselves

1.      Am I in the right business? 

Bloggers often ask this question when they do not get success even after years of blogging. Sluggish progress in blog statistics makes them sad and they start asking themselves are they in the right business.

2.      How long will it take to get success? 

Bloggers want to get success quickly. This is a question that even bloggers who have just started blogging want to know about. If you have been blogging for years without success, you would ask this question out of frustration.

3.      Am I wasting my time blogging? 

If you do not see any progress at all in your blog even after years of blogging this is the most relevant question you may ask yourself.

4.      Am I spending too much time on my blog? 

If your personal and professional life is getting affected by your blogging habit you cannot ignore this question. Blogging is no doubt more addictive than several other addictions.

5.      Why don’t people read my post? 

This is a universal question. When you get 10 page-views you ask why it isn't 100 page-views. At least 100 people should have read my post. After all, it is not that bad. The day you hit the mark of 100 page views you start asking why it isn't 1000.

6.      What’s wrong with my blog? 

You have created a great post (at least you believe it), you have optimized it, and you have posted it. You did everything. Still you failed. If you don’t get the kind of response you were expecting, it is quite natural you would be forced to ask what’s wrong with your blog.

7.      Why am I not able to create a viral post? 

You would have heard about viral content that has the potential to make a blog popular within a few days. And you want to create something like that. This question is most likely to arise if despite your best possible efforts you are not able to create a viral post. Always remember, viral posts are not created they just happen. Just keep creating quality content.

8.      What is the secret of blogging? 

When success eludes, bloggers start searching for the secret of blogging. They read one blog after another and come to the conclusion that writing quality content is the only secret of blogging.

9.      What do others think about my blog (genuinely)?

This is something every blogger wants to know about. Friends may not express their true opinion about your blog out of fear that it might heart your feelings. And, visitors might not always comment. So you keep wondering what others think about your blog.

10.   Am I losing my audience to my competitors? 

This is the problem of successful bloggers. A slight decline in traffic makes them think have they lost their audience to competitors.

11.   How my blog is faring against my counterparts? 

If your blog is three months old, you start comparing your progress with other bloggers who have been blogging for the same period of time. Or you just want to figure out what progress leading blogs had made in the same duration of time.

If you like this article, please do share with others. If there is any other blogging question that comes to your mind, please feel free to share with us. Keep reading, keep sharing! 

You might like to read:
How to overcome the fears that haunt you as a blogger


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Ary Prastiya,

      Thank you for taking out time to comment. I agree with you that question 6 more often comes across the mind of bloggers. when you put in your 100 percent and you don't get the results according to your expectations you would obviously ask this question. Thanks for sharing your views with us. Keep reading, keep sharing.

