Saturday, 10 October 2015

How to Overcome the Fears That Haunt You as a Blogger

In my previous post, I pointed out some of the questions that bloggers often ask themselves. In this post, I have come up with the answers including tips for successful blogging. I hope they help you overcome the fears that haunt you as a blogger.

In fact, the questions that I had pointed out in my previous post are nothing but just your fears or unpleasant emotions. These emotions drain your energy and make you weak. 

I know most of you know how to deal with negative thoughts or emotions as a blogger. You can post your suggestions in the comment box. It will help other bloggers to overcome the fears they experience as a blogger. 

In this post, I am going to present some suggestions. I hope it inspires you to become a successful blogger.

Tips for successful blogging

Let’s begin with the first question:

1.      Am I in the right business? Yes, you are in the right business if blogging in your passion. Tell me why men are the best chefs in the world while in the majority of the homes women cook food. Because men are crazy about food. 

Why women are the better homemakers than their male counterparts. Because they are good at managing their homes. If you are crazy about blogging, success cannot elude you for long.

If you have not been able to achieve the kind of success you are longing for, you need to put in more efforts to make things happen. Just think about the worst that can happen to you if you fail as a blogger. Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars. Stop questioning your capabilities. Believe in yourself.

Robert Fuller commented rightly on my previous post:
“Belief in oneself is the magical component in any great endeavor. It is great to see you sharing the inspiration!”

Many of you might be regretting why you entered the business of blogging. You might be thinking you wasted your time, energy and money. I would advise such bloggers to get out of this mindset. Think about the things that you have gained over the years. 

If you think you failed as a blogger, don't give up. Don't feel sad. Don't lose hope. You still have so many other things to share with your audience. Share the reasons that resulted in your failure. Share why you failed as a blogger. There are many bloggers out there who would love to read you. Life is too short to learn from your own mistakes. Learn from others’ mistakes.

2.      How long will it take to get success? Always remember there is no shortcut to success. Success is something that we should earn. Success never comes easily. The only key to getting success is to keep working hard. And most importantly keep negative thoughts at bay. Believe me, hard work never goes in vain. 

According to Robert Collier, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

 If 100 people read your blog every day you are already successful. Otherwise, who has got time to read others blog. Now the only thing you have to do is to grow your audience. Just have some patience; you never know how close you are to success until the time you meet her face to face one day. So never give up on your dreams.

3.      Am I wasting my time blogging? Of course, you are wasting your time blogging if you blog with the sole intention of making money from your blog. Blogging is not just about money making. More than that it is about sharing your expertise with your readers. 

Of course, money is a great motivator, but the most important thing is that you should write your blog with the intention of helping out others in realizing their dreams. The money will follow.

Why anybody would read your blog if you don’t have anything valuable to share with them. If you are good at gardening you can share your new tips and ideas with your targeted audience. Similarly, if cooking is your passion you can share your best tips with your audience. 

The most important thing is that you should know what your real passion is. If you like what you do, success cannot elude for long. 

I like what Cheryle Ramos commented on my previous post:
"I have no doubt and I won't deny that blogging makes me happy. And doing what makes you happy is not bad at all. I think it's a matter of time"

If blogging makes you happy, success will be yours sooner or later. Keep experimenting and learn new things that you can share with your readers. Writing hardly takes any time, but learning does. Change your niche if success eludes you for long. Changing the niche might change the way things are going right now.

4.      Am I spending too much time on my blog? I would say yes if blogging is affecting your personal and professional life. Don’t think that the more time you will spend on your blog, the closer you will be to success. 

Believe me, you never know when a new idea might come across your mind. It can come at any place. It can be at your office or at home. It can be at a parking lot, or simply while driving a car or playing with your kids.

There is no ideal environment for creative thoughts. In my opinion, every moment is ideal for creativity provided that you should know what you can best create at that point of the moment.

5.      Why don’t people read my blog? Don’t think that people don’t read your blog. People do read your blog but it’s just that they might not have time to post comments or they find other blogs more useful than yours. Here I would suggest you to make your post more engaging.

If you are in the habit of checking your statics every hour or two, just get out of this habit. The people who frequently check their statistics fail to realize the overall impact of their blog. The important thing is that your blog statics should improve with time.

If in the first month of your blogging 1000 users visited your blog and in the subsequent months you have noticed a progress in your blog statics you should be more than happy.

You need to understand that hundreds and thousands of bloggers post their content every day, and readers cannot read all the content that the bloggers post every day. They choose the best topics and niche that they find interesting and informative.

By the way, how many blog articles do you read every day? I am sure most of you would be spending more time writing your blog than reading others post. Why do you expect others to read your post when you yourself do not read the post of others? Always remember a good reader becomes a better writer. A good listener becomes a great orator.

While landing on this page, you would have thought twice should you read it or not. The movement you lose interest in the topic you will close the browser and move on to another blog.

So to increase the page views of your blog it is important that you should write something that people really want to know about. Your post should be interesting, informative and engaging. These are the three key ingredients of a great post.

6.      What’s wrong with my blog? Believe me, there is nothing wrong with your blog. As a blogger, you put in hard work, time and efforts to make your blog good enough to be read by readers. If after doing everything that you can possibly do, you do not get the expected response you begin to ask this question. Don’t ask questions just reevaluate your approach.

There can be many reasons behind it. You might have chosen the wrong niche to write about. You might not have been able to optimize your blog. You might have been making the mistake of rewriting the content from other websites. You can read my post “how to create unique and useful blog content” to create a better content for your website.

7.      Why am I not able to create a viral post? As I said in my previous post, a viral post is not created it just happens. So stop wasting your time creating a viral post. Just focus on quality content and try to connect with your audience. They are not looking for something extraordinary. They want something that they can understand easily. They are looking for something that can help them achieve their goals. They are looking for something they can relate to.

When you read an article on SEO, your intention is to optimize your blog for search engines. You are more likely to come back to those sites where you find informative and easy to digest content. In fact, we read and reread content that we find useful and valuable. And that very quality of an article makes it viral.

No one knows in advance that their post is going to be viral. Just focus on your work. And, who knows one day you might experience what it feels like when a post goes viral.

8.      What is the secret of blogging? There is no secret formula to get success in the business of blogging. Just look at the successful bloggers and try to figure out what makes them successful. The successful bloggers always make sure that they pass on their secret of success to others. And that very quality makes them successful.

In other words, the only secret of blogging is to let others know your secret of success in any field. This is what successful blogger do. As soon as they know something useful and valuable they immediately share it with their audience. This very quality of bloggers makes them successful. There is only one secret of blogging. Keep creating useful content and share it with others.

9.      What do others think about my blog (genuinely)? People do not have much time to think about your blog because they are too busy with their own blog/business. So stop thinking what others think about your blog. We all have our opinions. Some people may like your blog while others may not.

Usefulness of a blog is determined by the readers. If someone does not like your post it does not necessarily mean others dislike it too. If you receive a few positive comments on your blog that is more than enough to know that people like your blog. Others may not have the time to comment on your post.

Always remember constructive negative comments also help us create better content. So never get disheartened if someone gives you negative comments.

10.   Am I losing my audience to my competitors? I would advise such bloggers to just get out of this mindset. First, a slight decline in traffic does not show you have lost the audience to your competitors. Second, if you have been experiencing a steep decline in traffic it is clearly a sign of danger. What should a blogger do in such a situation? Identify the real causes of decline and fix them. 

However, even after your best effort, if you fail to get back your audience there is no need to worry. You should be thankful to God that you have enjoyed your success journey. There are many more bloggers who have still not been able to experience the success you have enjoyed. If you are a passionate blogger you can always start from the scratch.

11.   How my blog is fairing against my counterparts? I would again advise bloggers to get out of this mindset. Don’t compare your progress with others’ blogs. Just focus on your own blog. If you really want to compare something compare your progress with your own blog. Compare your monthly progress. Compare your monthly statics. If you notice a rise in the number of visitors, it is a good sign of progress.

We all have our personal and professional commitments. Some of us might not be able to devote much time to our blog. So it is natural that our progress will be comparatively slower than the people who are lucky enough to spend more time on their blog.

Similarly, some of us might not be lucky enough to hire professional services to optimize our blog that can also impact our progress. Here the golden rule is to learn from your own mistakes. Don’t repeat your mistakes and never let negative thoughts dominate you.

So these are some of the points that you must keep in mind as a blogger. Believe me, success cannot elude you for long. Never let negative thoughts kill your spirit. Never let negative thoughts prevent you from realizing your dream.

You would have noticed you always create best things when you are in the best of your form. So take up your work with a positive approach and make every possible effort to make things happen. Do blogging with that kind of spirit.

Do you have any other tips for successful blogging, please share with us. If you like this article, please feel free to post your comments and share it with others.

Keep reading, keep sharing!

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