Friday, 18 December 2015

How to Add Versatile Blogger Award Button/Badge to a Blogger Blog

Winning a Versatile Blogger Award might not be a big deal for some bloggers. But for others, it is something that provides an opportunity to thank fellow bloggers for their support and guidance. It not only provides you the opportunity to build quality backlinks but also helps in building better networks.

The WordPress bloggers might not find it difficult to add the Versatile Blogger Award button to their blog; however, blogger blog owners usually find it difficult to add the Versatile Blogger Award badge or button to their blog. If you have been nominated by someone for the Versatile Blogger Award, you can easily add the button or badge to your blog. 

While reading the VBA website, I found that several Blogger bloggers were finding it difficult to add the badge to their blog. Since I have added this button to my blog, I thought it would be a good idea to share it with others.

Here are the steps to add the Versatile Blogger badge to your blog.

  1. Open blogger blog dashboard and click on Layout
  2. In the layout window, click Add a Gadget
  3. In the Gadget window, click add third-party functionality under HTML/JavaScript
  4. Add the title in the title box and in the content section you will have to add HTML code
  5. To get the HTML code open versatile Blogger Award website in a new browser
  6. Click Blog Buttons and select the picture you want to display on your blog
  7. Click on the selected picture so that it displayed on your screen as you can see in the screenshot
  8. Right-click on the image and click inspect element
  9. Right click on the HTML class and Copy outer HTML as you can see in the screenshot 
  10. Now go to blogger dashboard and paste the code in the content section of HTML/JavaScript
  11. Save the arrangements and you are done. The image will be displayed on your blog.

If you wish to add the link to the VBA website you can copy paste the link as given in the adding the button section of the website to the Third-party functionality Link box in the blogger blog. However, the badge buttion may not work in dynamic templets. Therefore, if you real want to add the badge try using simple templets.

I am sure by now you would have successfully added the badge to your blog. If yes, please feel free to share your experience with us.

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